Coming soon. Contact us for a demo and more information.

Automated Capture & Documentation

Empowers architects, engineers, contractors & facility managers

How it works

Upload your Point Cloud

Upload e57 files from your device or provide a download link to your cloud storage. Use our platform to manage your projects.

Clean the Input Data

Crop the Point Cloud to remove points not belonging to your building and subdivide it into stories. User guided input helps our AI to create best possible results.

Let our AI handle the Modeling

Our AI automatically recognizes your building’s structural components such as walls, rooms, doors, etc. and creates an approximating geometry.

Download 3D IFC Models and 2D Floor Plans

We will notify you when your project has been processed. You can then download IFC files, 2D-Floorplans and automated reports.

Use Cases

Automated Modelling & Checking

Automate your modelling process and reduce time by 90%

  • Create Models as the basis for your TDD Documentation
  • Reference Photo, comment and ticket to your model
  • Create Models to document your Portfolio
  • Let customers make virtual tours
Building Progress
  • Easily Create Models for every step of the construction Process
  • Create a timeline of models for the whole lifecycle of the building
  • Track Progress by comparing consecutive models
  • Check for inconsistencies between as-build and as-planned models

Market opportunity


Most of existing Buildings lack digital models.

Automatic BIM modelling is much cost efficient than manual.

BIM is on the rise in construction, operation and facility management

Let’s talk

We are gladly helping companies to get started.